Wednesday, February 8, 2012

2 meter air conditioner array

Or it's a 2 meter mag mount stuck on my air conditioner.  You might laugh (as well you should) but it works just fine and the neighbors don't complain.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Chimney Antenna Farm

Living in a rental property as I do, and residing in a neighborhood with antenna restrictions, my ham radio antennas must be low profile and leave no holes.
I've always been a minimalist when it comes to my antennas. What ever works and doesn't fry my radio I'm good with. 20 years ago, when I lived in a small apartment, I had a ten meter whip on a mag mount on top of my refrigerator. I worked 10 meters around the world with 25 watts and my fridge antenna.
I carry on that tradition with a 900 Mhz Larsen  strapped on to my chimney's spark arrester and a CB mag mount cut for 10 meters stuck on the other side.